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air vehicle 空中運載工具。

Abstract : some problems about overall design of a small unmanned air vehicle telemetry system are presented in this paper . the construction and fundamental principle of the telemetry system is simply introduced . according to the telemetry task requirement , the key problems which should be solved at first are demonstrated mainly by system “ s capacity design and channel design . the needed data transmission rate is carefully calculated with the telemetry parameter table provided by user and on this basis the frame structure is decided . the bit error rate in factual telemetry channel is grossly estimated in theory and a channel encoding scheme is provided to improve data transmission quality to meet with the requirement for extremely low bit error rate 文摘:論述了某型號無人機遙測系統中的容量和信道設計問題.文中對該遙測系統的組成和原理進行了介紹.結合具體的遙測任務需求,在容量設計中確定了數據傳輸率和使用的幀格式,在信道設計中,通過計算實際信道中的誤碼率,提出了相應的信道編碼方案以確保數據傳輸的低誤碼率要求

air way

On the base of the soft about the deformation of aerodynamic configuration of mav , the advanced controlling technique of the deformation o f aerodynamic configuration about the prototype mav will be explored . based on the characteristic of micro air vehicle , this paper abstracted the aerodynamic evaluation mathematics models , developed a aerodynamic engineering estimation program , all kinds of aerodynamic configuration was compared and analyzed , found the perfect configuration and got the prototype of mav . abstracted the model about the deformation of aerodynamic configuration on base of the method of vortex lattice , developed the program for researching the performance of the deformation of aerodynamic configuration 本文針對mav的具體特點,抽象出mav的氣動工程計算數學模型,建立起氣動工程估算環境,對各種氣動布局進行了氣動特性比較分析與綜合,尋求出理想的mav氣動布局方案并提出mav原型機,抽象出基于渦格法的氣動外形形變的數學模型,建立起氣動外形形變性能研究環境,探討新型的飛行控制方法和氣動力控制策略,在得出氣動外形形變模型的初始方案后,對其進行進一步的優化,最后得出理想的氣動外形形變執行機構組合陣列。

Abstract : a characteristic of piezoresistive pressure sensor and some parameters used to compute altitude and velocity in unmanned air vehicle ( uav ) are introduced . the sensor ' s temperature characteristic is further improved after temperature compensation , it has achieved a satisfactory result by using single chip processor to compute altitude and velocity . the application prospect of the piezoresistive pressure sensor is analysed 文摘:主要介紹了壓阻式壓力傳感器的特點及在無人機上用其來解算高度、速度等參數的使用情況,經過溫度補償后,使傳感器的溫度特性得到了進一步的改善,用單片機解算高度、速度,達到了滿意的效果,同時分析了壓阻式傳感器的應用前景。

Abstract : some problems about overall design of a small unmanned air vehicle telemetry system are presented in this paper . the construction and fundamental principle of the telemetry system is simply introduced . according to the telemetry task requirement , the key problems which should be solved at first are demonstrated mainly by system “ s capacity design and channel design . the needed data transmission rate is carefully calculated with the telemetry parameter table provided by user and on this basis the frame structure is decided . the bit error rate in factual telemetry channel is grossly estimated in theory and a channel encoding scheme is provided to improve data transmission quality to meet with the requirement for extremely low bit error rate 文摘:論述了某型號無人機遙測系統中的容量和信道設計問題.文中對該遙測系統的組成和原理進行了介紹.結合具體的遙測任務需求,在容量設計中確定了數據傳輸率和使用的幀格式,在信道設計中,通過計算實際信道中的誤碼率,提出了相應的信道編碼方案以確保數據傳輸的低誤碼率要求

In the first part , human - machine interface design of ucav ( unmanned combat air vehicle ) is studied . the design criterion of display , controller and working environment for human in ucav system is presented . in the second part , based on the analysis of human error cause , human generic error model is presented 論文的第一部分研究無人作戰飛機系統的人機界面設計,論文給出了無人作戰飛機系統的功能框圖,根據無人機的任務剖面,綜合功效學的研究成果,給出了無人機系統的顯示裝置、控制裝置、工作環境和操作人員的組織情況等的設計準則。

Unmanned air vehicle ( uav ) plays a very important role in nowadays research . recently , the applied range of the uav has expended into military , civil and scientific research scopes : in military scopes , it can be used to be detectors and monitors , electronic countermeasure , fire guidance , war evaluation , target simulation etc ; in civil scopes , it can be used to geodetic survey , detect urban environment , survey globosity resource , prevent forest - fire , pretend environment and succor disaster etc ; in scientific research scopes , it can be used to survey and research atmosphere , also it can validate new technology and now facility 隨著時代的發展,無人機在社會的各個領域起著越來越重要的作用,近年來,無人機的使用范圍已拓展至軍事、民用和科研三大領域:在軍事上,可用于偵察監視、電子對抗、火力制導、戰果評估、目標模擬等;在民用上,可用于大地測量、地球資源勘測和森林防火、環境保護與災害救援等;在科研上,可用于大氣研究、氣象觀測、新技術新設備的試驗驗證等。

Due to more and more application of unmanned air vehicles ( uav ) in war , theinteroperabilityand currencybetween uav systems become veryimportant . in 2001 . 04 , thefirstexperimenttocontrolthetake - offandlandingofamericanavy “ predator ” is carriedoutby the tactical control system ( tcs ) , which is developed by america navy . in theexperiment , the launch and recovery , flight control and payload control is finished , and thedata can be received directly from “ predator ” . for investigate the framework , informationcriterionandkeycontroltechniqueoftcs , it ’ snecessarytotesttheprototypeoftcs 隨著無人機在戰爭中越來越多的應用,無人機系統之間的互操作性和通用性變得尤為重要, 2001年4月,美國海軍研制的戰術控制系統對美海軍“捕食者”無人機進行了首次起飛和降落控制試驗,試驗完成了無人機的發射和回收、飛行控制、載荷控制,并可從“捕食者”飛機直接接收數據。

With the progress of aviation science & technology and the requirement of air combat , multi - targets attack and coordination for multiple unmanned air vehicles ( uav for short ) become the trend of development . targets assignment and trajectory generation strategy pose significant technical challenges 隨著航空科技的進步和軍事斗爭需求的牽引,無人機多機協同攻擊多目標將成為未來戰爭的一種重要模式,多架無人機協同攻擊多目標中的目標分配和航跡產生是多架無人機協同作戰的關鍵技術。

Instead , the controlling according to attitude - controlling of the deformation of aerodynamic configuration is new and advance measure , which has great probability to supply the gap in researching of the control technique of mav . this paper aims that three varied configurations of micro air vehicle will be designed and optimized , then their aerodynamic property will be compared and analyzed , and the prototype of mav will be got 本文旨在對各種氣動布局的mav進行氣動特性比較分析與綜合,得出最適合于mav的原型機,在建立一套基于氣動外形形變的性能研究環境的基礎上,對該原型機進行氣動外形形變先進控制策略的探索。

The target of this thesis is to develop a design and optimization tool for airfoils of wind - in - ground air vehicle . the functions of the tool include : to generate wing - in - ground air vehicle airfoil by relative less control points , to simulate the wing - in - ground effect by the mirror method , to analyze aerodynamic performance of the airfoil using the software javafoil and to optimization the airfoil by the based - surrogate optimization method 該軟件具有如下特點:給出較少的控制點生成一個地效飛行器翼型;采用鏡像法來模擬地面效應,應用可以計算地面效應的翼型分析軟件javafoil對地效飛行器翼型的空氣特性進行分析;應用基于代理模型的優化方法對地效飛行器翼型進行優化。

The uav ( unmanned air vehicle ) is playing an more and more important role in modern wars . it is featured by long endurance , large cruise range , heavy overload capability as well as attitude alteration limitless and casualty avoid when flying in hostile territory compared to manned air vehicle . compared to satellites it has low altitude , controllable movement , convenient arrangement and low cost 無人機在現代戰爭中扮演著越來越重要的角色,與有人駕駛飛機相比,無人機機動性能好,過載能力強,不存在飛行員傷亡;與偵察衛星相比,無人機飛行高度低,活動范圍可控,部署方便,造價低廉,目前各國都在積極研制各種新型無人機。

This paper presents the results of studies on collectivity scheme and some key technologies about the network - based navigation system which is composed by existing stations ( e . g . radio beacon ) , unmanned air vehicles ( e . g . relay uav ) , other air - tactical serving vehicles and data relay satellites 本文研究了利用地面現有臺站(如無線電信標臺)和移動站(如移動指揮車輛) 、空中無人機平臺(如中繼無人機)和其他空中戰術服務平臺、以及數據中繼衛星等構成的網絡化導航系統的總體方案和相關技術。

In modem war , a precise orientation and emendation system applied to artillery spying is needed , existing orientation and emendation system usually computes position of object according uav ( unmanned air vehicle ) ' s position and pose and the pose of vidicon on uav , but orientation is n ' t enough precise 現代戰爭中需要高精度的炮兵偵察定位校射系統,然而現有的定位校射系統通常是根據無人機的位置、姿態信息和機載攝像機的姿態信息來估計目標區域的位置,定位精度不高。

During the last phase of auto - landing of shipborne uav ( unmanned air vehicle ) on deck , to make the uav identify and track , and finally fly into the intercept net fixed on the rear deck of naval ship placidly and accurately , it should be consider the influence of deck on landing 艦載無人機在最后著艦回收階段,為了導引無人機平穩、準確地飛入安裝在艦艇尾部甲板上的攔截網中,實現撞網回收,要考慮艦艇因海浪引起的艦體顛簸運動對著艦引導系統的影響。

The paper mainly does research on simulation of the air - to - surface ( as ) attack mission . on the basis of that , as attack representative maneuver chains are designed . and , corporation between uninhabited combat air vehicle ( ucav ) and as missile is discussed in the process 本文主要針對無人機對地攻擊任務特點,開展仿真模型研究,并以此為基礎設計出無人機防區外攻擊的典型動作鏈,對攻擊過程中無人機與空地導彈的配合問題進行了初步的研究。

Flapping - wing micro air vehicles ( fmav ) are new conceptual air vehicles . they surpass the research fields of traditional airplane design and aerodynamics in relation to application technologies , and initiate the applications of mems technologies to aviation fields 微撲翼飛行器是一種模仿鳥類或昆蟲飛行的新概念飛行器,在應用技術上它超出了傳統的飛機設計和氣動力的研究范疇,同時開創了微機電系統技術( mems )在航空領域的應用。

Compared with general aircrafts and ships , the wing - in - ground air vehicle features high aerodynamic efficiency , safety , high speed , comprehensive use and potential development toward huge vehicle of thousands tons 地效飛行器與一般的飛機和船舶相比,具有氣動效率高、安全性好、速度快、可用作多方面的執行任務的交通工具,能向幾千噸位的大型化發展等優勢特點。

In the system construction analysis , the progress of the ucav is summarized and the ucavs is set up referring to the american examined ucavs and the construction of the unmanned air vehicle 在無人戰斗機系統分析中,首先綜述了無人戰斗機系統研究進展,然后以無人機系統構成為基礎,參考美國現有無人戰斗機驗證機系統和導彈系統建立無人戰斗機系統并選定其子系統。

The unmanned air vehicles tactical control system ( uav - tcs , for short tcs ) is aninnovation of the usage of uav . it aims to explore a common unit , which can control andcommand all uav from now to future 無人機戰術控制系統(簡稱戰術控制系統)是一種無人機使用概念創新,目標是研制出一個通用無人機控制單元,能夠控制和使用當前和將來的各種無人機。